Song of the South (1946)

Song of the South
(7.3/10) out of 5,329 votes
Runtime: 94 minutes
Color: Color
Awards: 1 Oscar, 1 Other Award, 1 Nomination
USA Title: Uncle Remus

Genres: , ,

Directors: Harve Foster, Wilfred Jackson
Writers: Joel Chandler Harris, Dalton S. Reymond
Cast: Ruth Warrick, Bobby Driscoll, James Baskett, Luana Patten, Lucile Watson, Hattie McDaniel, Erik Rolf, Glenn Leedy, Mary Field, Anita Brown, Georgie Nokes, Gene Holland, Nick Stewart, Johnny Lee

Walt Disney's first live-action musical drama

Uncle Remus draws upon his tales of Brer Rabbit to help little Johnny deal his confusion over his parents' separation as well as his new life on the plantation. The tales: The Briar Patch, The Tar Baby and Brer Rabbit's Laughing place.

Fun Fact: According to page 93 of James Snead's book, "White Screens/Black images", "At the film's New York premiere in Times Square, dozens of black and white pickets chanted, 'We fought for Uncle Sam, not Uncle Tom,' while the NAACP called for a total boycott of the film, and the National Negro Congress called on black people to 'run the picture out of the area.'"

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